What’s in a name?

I’m thinking of changing my Etsy shop’s name.  I’m fond of “Squirrel’s Spot,” but I named it that almost four years ago, and originally the items in my shop were a little more whimsical.  But now that it’s mostly wedding/baptismal/beaded items, I’m thinking that another name might be more appropriate.

I’m also considering no longer selling Lab Mice greeting cards…either at all, or at least not in my Etsy shop.  They haven’t sold very well.  They also don’t really go with the crowns and fancy candles, but I’m not sure I want to have two different shops.  Lab Mice cards might be best left for my own personal use.

So I have a lot to think about….

Etsy Shop: Lab Mice Christmas cards!

Lab Mice Christmas cards and tags are now available in my Etsy shop!  If you are looking for a unique Christmas card that will make people smile, check out the “Lab Mice greeting cards” section in my shop.


“Not a Creature was Stirring” is my third original Lab Mice Christmas card design, and it is newly for sale this year!

I am going out of town this year for Christmas, so my shop will be closed December 19-28.  The LAST DAY I will be SHIPPING before Christmas is DECEMBER 18!  Don’t miss out!


Lab Mice Christmas Cards: AVAILABLE

Choose-Your-Own--Lab Mice Christmas cards--pack of 5

My Christmas card designs available this year are “Christmas Tree Pile-Up” and “Tree Light Tangle.”  I also have a set of 5 mini-cards or tags for sale.

View cards in my Etsy shop section.

I will also be adding a second set of mini-cards soon.

In the spirit of the season, I like to donate half of the profits from my Christmas cards and tags.  This year the donation will go to International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) to benefit people affected by the civil war in Syria.  You can find our more about IOCC at iocc.org.  (The other half will go towards offsetting the cost for a new computer so I can keep cartooning!)

Lab Mice Greeting Cards available on Etsy!

Lab Mice greeting cards are now available in my Etsy shop!  I have quite a few designs, so it will probably take a few days to get them all listed.  Individual cards are $2.00 + $1.50 shipping to the U.S.

Check it out!  http://www.etsy.com/shop/SquirrelsSpot?section_id=14235507

"Astronautical Birthday"--available both as a birthday card and a party invite.

“Astronautical Birthday”–available both as a birthday card and a party invite.

"Princess and the Frog"--a card for a bridal shower, or to congratulate someone on her engagment

“Princess and the Frog”–a card for a bridal shower, or to congratulate someone on her engagment

"Just Don't Bust a Stitch"--a get well card.

“Just Don’t Bust a Stitch”–a get well card.